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  • 小型搅拌机的正确操控有哪些要求
  • 搅拌机使用时4大“控制”达到目的
  • 混凝土搅拌机检修的方法有哪些
  • 小型搅拌机零件气门的顺利使用方式
  • 混凝土搅拌机的操作保养关注事项
  • 什么原因导致搅拌机存在抱轴问题


新闻资讯 /


来源:http://www.zkhntjbc.com/ 日期:2020-10-28
To measure the quality of a set of automatic concrete mixer equipment, we can not only look at its equipment itself, what materials are needed for the casting of automatic concrete mixer equipment? Here with me to understand it, I hope the following information can help you!
If manufacturers want to produce high-quality automatic concrete mixer equipment, the first need to strictly control the casting materials.
The material of casting concrete mixing station is generally made of wear-resistant steel plate, which has high wear resistance and good impact resistance, can be cut, bent and welded, and can be connected with other structures by welding, plug welding and bolt connection.
After the concrete arrives at the construction site, the pouring must be finished within 15 minutes in order to ensure the concrete pouring temperature. Eliminate the hidden danger of failure, so as to ensure the normal operation of the concrete mixing station and prolong the service life of the equipment. This is why the concrete mixing station needs regular maintenance.

For the sake of safety, we must understand the automatic concrete mixer equipment safety operation procedures. Here with me to understand it, I hope the following information can help you!
1. All operators must wear safety helmets, dust masks and other safety protection articles according to the requirements, and mechanical operators must take up their posts with certificates.
2. Before operation, all devices should be checked to meet the requirements before starting.
When working in the mixing plant, pay attention that no personnel are allowed to walk under the mixing station. There's going to be some stones falling from it.
With the increasing demand of concrete year by year, more and more customers buy automatic concrete mixer equipment. Let's learn about it with me. I hope the following information can help you!
It is very helpful to know the parameters of concrete mixing station for purchasing equipment. We know that the concrete mixing station includes mixing host, batching machine, cement silo, screw conveyor, electrical system and other equipment, and the parameters reflect the size and power of these equipment. You can choose the concrete mixing station suitable for your model according to the parameters.
When we overhaul the mixing plant equipment, we must not start the belt conveyor or mixer to prevent unnecessary accidents.
自动混凝土搅拌机设备的原材料如何管理 才能彰显水平提高水平效益。搅拌站原材料管理主要包括什么?下面随着我一起来了解一下吧,希望下面的信息可以给你带来帮助!
How to manage the raw materials of automatic concrete mixer can show the level and improve the level benefit. What is the raw material management of mixing plant? Here with me to understand it, I hope the following information can help you!
The raw material management of automatic concrete mixer mainly includes procurement, supply, site stacking, warehousing management and so on.
在进行生产之前作出原材料管理规划, 参与施工组织设计的编制, 规划材料存放场地、 道路,做好材料预算, 制定材料管理目标。 规划是使混凝土搅拌站材料管理全过程有序进行的前提和保证。
Make raw material management plan before production, participate in the preparation of construction organization design, plan material storage site and road, make material budget, and formulate material management objectives. Planning is the premise and guarantee to make the whole process of material management in concrete mixing plant orderly.
