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新闻资讯 /


来源:http://www.zkhntjbc.com/ 日期:2020-11-18
概述:是下坡制动The first is downhill braking一、推挤挤压尾部系统,然后挤压前部系统,以防止汽车前部下沉太多,并积极增加尾轮的重
The first is downhill braking
1、 The rear part of the system then pushes the front of the mast too much to prevent the front of the car from being squeezed by the front of the system to avoid squeezing the front wheels.
2、 Use the force between the toe and the sole of the foot to apply the brake.
使用脚趾制动器的速度不如使用脚底快,您可以立即将整个制动踏板推到末端,以大限度地提高制动能力。从正常操作制动器的方式可以看出驾驶水平。当您按下制动器时, 自动混凝土搅拌机会立即停止,但是当您停止时,您无法停止,这不是驾驶大师的表现。
Using the toe brake is not as fast as using the sole, you can immediately push the entire brake pedal to the end to maximize braking capacity. The level of driving can be seen in the way the brakes are normally operated. When you press the brake, the automatic concrete mixer stops immediately, but when you stop, you cannot stop. This is not the performance of a master driver.
3、 Passenger braking stability
当乘客在后排座椅中时, 自动混凝土搅拌机车头部和臀部的重量相对平均,但随着汽车重量的增加,惯性增加,所需制动功率显着增加。随着制动器的增加,后座乘客不准备保护并可能撞到椅子上。只要您教导坐着的乘客坐下,就可以它们。
When the passenger is in the rear seat, the weight of the head and buttocks of the automatic concrete mixer is relatively average, but with the increase of vehicle weight, the inertia increases, and the braking power required increases significantly. As the brakes increase, rear seat passengers are not prepared to protect and may crash into the chair. As long as you teach sitting passengers to sit down, you can solve them.

Fourth, use the throttle skillfully
In addition to the foot brake, you need to use the throttle to control speed. For a safe distance, if you need to slow down, release the throttle and properly install the foot brake for speed control. These are brake application technologies, which the owners can learn according to their own needs. You need to know how to be responsible for your safety and the performance of your car.
Fifth, tilt your body as you slow down
Adjust the speed before turning: braking, shifting, pumping. In an emergency, if you suddenly find an obstacle, stop tilting immediately, straighten the mast and apply the brake
Quality inspection method for transmission oil of automatic concrete mixer
1.将 自动混凝土搅拌机放在平坦的表面上并拧紧手制动器。
1. Place the automatic concrete mixer on a flat surface and tighten the hand brake.
2. Let the engine idle for a few minutes.
3. Step on the brake pedal and turn the control lever to move forward and backward. Move each gear for a few seconds to fill the torque converter and all shift actuators with hydraulic oil. Finally, turn the lever to the park position.
4. Remove the automatic dipstick from the filler tube, insert the clean dipstick into the filler tube and pull it out to check the oil level of the dipstick.
在检查或排除 自动混凝土搅拌机故障之前,检查变速箱油位和油质。换档杆必须处于P位置,发动机应在空转时运转少几分钟,液体将达到正常工作温度,并且车辆必须停在水平面上以确保差速器和节气门之间的油位。通常传输是稳定的。
Before checking or troubleshooting the automatic concrete mixer, first check the gearbox oil level and oil quality. The shift lever must be in the P position, the engine should be running at idle for at least a few minutes, the fluid will reach normal operating temperature, and the vehicle must be stopped on a level surface to ensure the oil level between the differential and the throttle. Usually the transmission is stable.
关于 自动混凝土搅拌机的制动技巧和传动油品质检测问题了解就是这样了,希望对你有帮助。
About the automatic concrete mixer brake skills and transmission oil quality inspection problem understanding is like this, hope to help you.
