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新闻资讯 /


来源:http://www.zkhntjbc.com/ 日期:2021-01-07
在混凝土搅拌机中加入润滑油,可以有效地减少混凝土的磨损,提高构件的使用寿命。但是用户在向搅拌机中添加润滑油时应注意以下事项。 混凝土搅拌机添加润滑油能有效较少磨损,提高元部件的使用寿命。但是用户在给搅拌机添加润滑油时应该注意以下事项。
Adding lubricating oil into concrete mixer can effectively reduce the abrasion of concrete and improve the service life of components. However, the user should pay attention to the following matters when adding lubricating oil to the mixer. Adding lubricating oil to concrete mixer can effectively reduce wear and improve the service life of components. However, the user should pay attention to the following matters when adding lubricating oil to the mixer.
1. The concrete mixer shall not be overhauled and lubricated during operation.
2. After using the concrete mixer, add necessary lubricating oil (roller shaft, roller, wire rope and other moving parts) to each lubricating point as appropriate.
3. Add grease to each grease fitting regularly, inject lubricating oil into the shaft end seal every 4 hours, and drain the water once a week.
4. The gear and bearing of the concrete mixer gearbox use the gear rotation to splash the oil into the inner wall of the box and flow into the bearing for lubrication. The oil level of reducer should be kept between the two lines of oil scale.
If the oil level is too high or too low, the temperature of each part will rise or the lubrication will be poor, the power loss will increase and the machine will work poorly. The engine oil should be changed once in the first 150 hours and once in the first 300 hours after the new machine is put into use, so as to remove the dirt that is not completely cleaned during the test run. When working, the height of oil level should be checked frequently, and the shortage should be supplemented in time.
5.搅拌机选用的润滑油应具有一定购粘度和粘温特性,凝点低,抗氧化安定性良好,没有机械杂质和水分,不合腐蚀和磨损物质等。常用汽油机润滑油是以100 c的运动粘度编号的,有6号、10号、15号、8号稠化、8号低凝、8号合成稠化等牌号,牌号越高,粘度越大,其质量指标应符合标准规定。
5. The lubricating oil selected by the mixer should have certain viscosity and viscosity temperature characteristics, low freezing point, good oxidation resistance, no mechanical impurities and moisture, no corrosion and wear substances, etc. The commonly used gasoline engine lubricating oils are numbered with kinematic viscosity of 100 C, including No. 6, No. 10, No. 15, No. 8 thickener, No. 8 low pour point, No. 8 synthetic thickener, etc. the higher the grade is, the higher the viscosity is. Its quality index should meet the national standard.
It is not a trivial matter to add lubricating oil to concrete mixer. Users should pay attention to it and add it correctly to ensure normal operation of mixer.
