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新闻资讯 /


来源:http://www.zkhntjbc.com/ 日期:2021-01-08
概述:为什么越来越多的人喜欢自动混凝土搅拌机 呢?是因为他的性价比和方便性上,那么自动混凝土搅拌机 和普通搅拌机有什么区别呢?下面给大家详细的介绍一下。
为什么越来越多的人喜欢自动混凝土搅拌机 呢?是因为他的性价比和方便性上,那么自动混凝土搅拌机 和普通搅拌机有什么区别呢?下面给大家详细的介绍一下。
Why do more and more people like automatic concrete mixer? Because of its cost performance and convenience, what is the difference between automatic concrete mixer and ordinary mixer? Let's give you a detailed introduction.
What is the difference between self loading concrete mixer and other mixers? Listen to a lot of riders complain, we buy the mixer for 300000-400000 yuan, transport the concrete once, transport 10-12 cubic meters, but the money we earn after one year is not much different from the self loading concrete mixer. We spend 300000-400000 yuan, and they only spend 100000 yuan, which is unfair. It's not as good as 100000 yuan. I really want to sell the big machine and buy a small one.
Why is the charging concrete mixer so hot? Let's think about it step by step!
1、 Where is the market of self loading concrete mixer?
针对自上料混凝土搅拌机的市场价值,主要的还是依靠自身的体积小巧、方便灵活,更方便进出乡镇道路以实现乡镇范围内 商品混凝土的快速转场。
In view of the market value of self loading concrete mixer, the most important thing is to rely on its own small size, convenient and flexible, more convenient access to township roads, so as to realize the rapid transfer of commercial concrete within the scope of township.
2、 What kind of business model does the concrete mixer use to make money?
The road that self concrete mixer and large mixer adapt to is quite different from that of all corresponding industries and mines. However, the application scenarios of two different products can not be put together. It is a common operation mode and profit creating mode. Due to the large mixer's large volume and heavy weight, it is unable to enter the rural road, while the self charging concrete mixer can make the commercial concrete better Between the transition site and the rural road, the concrete mixed by manpower:
1: It takes time and effort
2: The actual cost is almost the same as that of commercial concrete
3: The label of concrete mixed by hand can not be guaranteed, which is just the key point compared with commercial concrete. Therefore, the price of most of the concrete transported by self feeding concrete mixer in China is 20-50 yuan higher than that transported by large mixer. Therefore, the operation mode of self feeding concrete mixer should be the current market competition of township concrete transportation In general, it is very reasonable to increase the price by 20-50 yuan, which is the correct mode of self mixing concrete.
