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新闻资讯 /


来源:http://www.zkhntjbc.com/ 日期:2021-04-19
With the vigorous implementation of environmental protection policy, cement tanks manufactured by cement tank manufacturers are equipped with dust collectors. Of course, different types of dust collectors have different effects. Pulse dust collector is a large amount of dust removal equipment, this paper expounds the factors that affect the pressure of the dust removal system of the pulse dust collector of the concrete mixer.
The cleaning pressure is an important parameter in the design of the cleaning system of the pulse cement tank top dust collector. It is divided into high pressure, medium pressure and low pressure. According to the pressure in the air bag, the pulse valve of ash cleaning system can be divided into high pressure valve and low pressure valve.
The pulse bag filter mainly uses the compressed gas in the pressure air bag as the energy source of ash cleaning, which makes a pulse air flow formed when the pulse valve starts up and vibrates reversely from the top of the filter bag to the bottom of the filter bag. Through pulse injection shaking, the combined dust layer outside the filter bag is shaken into the dust hopper of the dust collector.
If the pressure or flow is insufficient and the air flow is too weak, the ash cleaning particle size can no longer reach the bottom of the filter bag, and the dust layer can not peel off in time, resulting in local ash accumulation, which will lead to increased equipment resistance, uneven load of the filter bag, and shorten the service life of the filter bag.
On the contrary, if the dust removal force is too strong, the fine particles that have penetrated into the surface of the filter material will be blown out of the surface, resulting in "secondary dust" phenomenon. As a result, the bag may crack due to the high friction between the bag and cage bone.
In a word, the pressure of dust removal system must be reasonably allocated according to the process, the nature of dust and filter material. All dust removal problems can not be solved by single dust removal pressure. For more details about concrete mixer equipment, you can directly pay attention to: http://www.zkhntjbc.com
