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新闻资讯 /


来源:http://www.zkhntjbc.com/ 日期:2021-07-22
Concrete mixer commonly used raw materials include sand, cement, water, etc., they are put in different order, the production of concrete performance is also different. So what are the common concrete mixer feeding sequence?
One time feeding method
One time feeding method is a common method at present, that is, sand, stone, cement and water are mixed together and added into the mixing drum for mixing at the same time. In order to reduce the flying of cement and the sticking of cement in the process of concrete mixer feeding, first pour sand (or stone) and then pour cement, and then pour stone (or sand), that is to say, add cement between sand and stone, and the concrete mixer will send dry materials into the mixing drum from the upper hopper, and then add water for mixing.
Secondary feeding method
The second feeding method is divided into premixed cement mortar method and premixed cement paste method. Premixed cement mortar method is to first add cement, sand and water into the mixing cylinder for full mixing to form uniform cement mortar, and then add stones to mix into uniform concrete. In China, cement mortar is generally mixed with a forced mixer for about 1-1.5min, and then stones are added for about 1-1.5min.
Premixed cement paste method is to fully mix cement and water into a uniform cement paste, and then add sand and stones to mix into concrete. The tests at home and abroad show that the strength of concrete mixed by twice feeding method can be increased by 15% compared with that by once feeding method, and the cement can be saved by 15% - 20% under the same strength.
Cement sand wrapping method
The concrete mixed by this method is called sec concrete or shell concrete. The mixing procedure of this method is to add a certain amount of water to adjust the water content of sand surface to a specified value (generally 15% ~ 25%), then add stones and mix them with wet sand, and then put all the cement into mixing with sand and stone to form a cement slurry shell with low water cement ratio on the surface of sand and stone, and add the remaining water and additives to mix concrete. Compared with the one-time feeding method, the strength of concrete prepared by SEC method can be increased by 20% - 30%. The concrete is not easy to produce segregation and bleeding, and has good workability.
