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  • 小型搅拌机的正确操控有哪些要求
  • 搅拌机使用时4大“控制”达到目的
  • 混凝土搅拌机检修的方法有哪些
  • 小型搅拌机零件气门的顺利使用方式
  • 混凝土搅拌机的操作保养关注事项
  • 什么原因导致搅拌机存在抱轴问题


新闻资讯 /


来源:http://www.zkhntjbc.com/ 日期:2021-12-30
概述:1 各筒体,控制阀,电机按混凝土搅拌过程的要求运行,各筒体,控制阀,电机的控制必须准确,稳定,可靠。自上料混凝土搅拌车厂家它可装运由
1. Each cylinder, control valve and motor shall operate according to the requirements of concrete mixing process. The control of each cylinder, control valve and motor must be accurate, stable and reliable. From the manufacturer of the loading concrete mixer truck, it can ship the concrete produced by the mixing plant (station) or the aggregate (sand, stone), cement and water mixed according to the proportion. During the transportation, the wet material is continuously mixed slowly to prevent the initial setting and segregation of the concrete during the transportation.
The control system has two working modes: automatic and manual, which are independent and restrict each other.
2. The system development has a good anti-interference ability and perfect alarm self-protection management function;
3. Through communication with the computer, it can display the working status and fault alarm of information system management;
The mixer truck host system shall be cleaned at least once in a working cycle. After the daily production activities, the main engine information of the mixer truck shall be cleaned comprehensively. The method is: during the cleaning service, put water and a little stone into the mixer main engine and mix for 5 ~ 10min. After cleaning, all the material management in the mixer shall be effectively removed without ponding and accumulation; After shutdown, wash the and pipes to remove dust and adhered concrete inside and outside the mixing tank.
Generally, in this case, about 150 ~ 180kg water is added between the main machines of JS1000 mixing equipment. The main machines of other product models can analyze the increase or decrease according to this, or provide their own high-pressure water gun or clean the data.
When flushing the material door of the mixing machine, avoid the accumulation of material under the upper flushing to form the phenomenon of foreign matter blocking the material door. During mixing, if the concrete truck is not in place for a long time (more than 20 ~ 30min, especially in summer), add water to simply clean the mixer.
During the normal production of mixer truck equipment, the solidification of concrete in the mixing drum and on the mixing shaft shall be checked regularly. If there is condensation, it shall be removed manually in time as required. Before manually cleaning the mixing drum, the power supply and gas circuit must be cut off, the residual gas must be discharged, and the control room must be locked; When manually cleaning the mixing drum, it is strictly prohibited to knock the mixing shaft, mixing arm and mixing blade violently.
