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来源:http://www.zkhntjbc.com/ 日期:2020-12-17
概述:许多人对搅拌机的理解仍然非常模糊,更不用说知道如何提高搅拌机的效率。今天,我希望提高混凝土搅拌机的效率。 我希望这篇文章对你有所帮助。
许多人对搅拌机的理解仍然非常模糊,更不用说知道如何提高搅拌机的效率。今天,我希望提高混凝土搅拌机的效率。 我希望这篇文章对你有所帮助。
Many people still have a very vague understanding of blenders, let alone how to improve the efficiency of blenders. Today, I hope to improve the efficiency of the concrete mixer. I hope this article has helped you.
由于混凝土搅拌机的压力缓慢上升,过滤器通常会堵塞,应定期清洗。二个是气缸的问题,因为气缸外面有泄漏。 水稳定混合站通常在活塞杆设备中疼痛,缺乏润滑剂供应,密封件和密封件的磨损或损坏,气缸中的杂质和活塞杆上的划痕。
As the pressure of the concrete mixer rises slowly, the filter is usually blocked and should be cleaned regularly. The second problem is the cylinder, because there is leakage outside the cylinder. Water stable mixing stations are usually painful in piston rod equipment, lack of lubricant supply, wear or damage of seals and seals, impurities in cylinders and scratches on piston rods.

我们需要及时调整活塞杆的中间位置,定期检查油雾装置的可靠性,及时清理。 由于一导电磁阀的推进,阀门发生故障并且通风口的类型被简单地阻挡,导致密封。 主动阀将卡在电路故障中。 在使用混凝土搅拌机时,我们可以使用整个站的封闭式设计。 混合站的压力增加了隔热板和混凝土搅拌站的隔离室。
We need to adjust the middle position of the piston rod in time, regularly check the reliability of the oil mist device, and clean it in time. Due to the propulsion of a pilot solenoid valve, the valve fails and the type of vent is simply blocked, resulting in sealing. The active valve will be stuck in a circuit fault. When using concrete mixers, we can use the closed design of the whole station. The pressure in the mixing station increases the insulation board and the isolation chamber of the concrete mixing station.
另外,搅拌机的噪声源主要用于混合主机。 机械设备噪声的主要问题是机器本身是相互准确的,提高了自身的生产水平和技术水平,提高了主体,罐体等的制造精度。 提出了一种可行且完善的加工方案,以较大限度地减小设备部件之间的间隙,尤其是主混合中叶片与衬里之间的间距。 。
In addition, the noise source of mixer is mainly used for mixing host. The main problem of mechanical equipment noise is that the machine itself is mutually accurate, which improves its own production level and technical level, and improves the manufacturing accuracy of the main body and tank body. A feasible and perfect processing scheme is put forward to reduce the gap between the parts of the equipment, especially between the blade and the lining in the main mixing process.
因此,混凝土搅拌机效率的提高是由多种因素共同造成的,这些因素要求人为因素与外部因素和内部因素密切配合。 为了确保混合站的质量和混合效率,挖掘机可以倾斜以平衡原料的水含量。 由于黑灰和白灰的含水量是由许多不确定因素决定的,特别是白灰,消化质量,自身质量以及筛选是否会影响白灰的效率。
Therefore, the improvement of the efficiency of concrete mixer is caused by many factors, which require close cooperation between human factors and external and internal factors. In order to ensure the quality and mixing efficiency of the mixing station, the excavator can be tilted to balance the water content of raw materials. Because the water content of black ash and white ash is determined by many uncertain factors, especially the lime, digestion quality, self quality and screening will affect the efficiency of lime.
因此,在使用之前选择网站非常重要。 为了确保白灰的适当水分含量,须具有适当的开放时间。 一旦打开,您可以使用挖掘机反转次数,直到达到适当的水分含量,这不仅可以确保施工效率,还可以确保灰色剂量。
Therefore, it is very important to choose a website before using it. In order to ensure the proper moisture content of lime, there must be an appropriate opening time. Once turned on, you can use the excavator to reverse the number of times until the appropriate moisture content is reached, which not only ensures the construction efficiency, but also ensures the gray dose.
