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来源:http://www.zkhntjbc.com/ 日期:2021-09-06
Since the introduction of concrete machinery in the rural market, a series of products such as small concrete mixers have been widely used in the rural market. These mechanical equipment are not only convenient to use, but also convenient to transfer, so they are deeply welcomed by the majority of construction parties. So what is the market investment prospect of small concrete mixer?
,投资设备或者其他领域的投资,要看该投资领域的未来发展大环境。农村基础建设市场一直是混凝土机械的重要作业领域,新农村建设、农村道路、水利、电力、通讯等领域一直是小型工程机械的主战场,一直高度重视农村基础建设的发展,每年都要投入巨资改 善农村基础建设。
First of all, investment in equipment or other fields depends on the future development environment of the investment field. Rural infrastructure market has always been an important operation field of concrete machinery. New rural construction, rural roads, water conservancy, electric power, communication and other fields have always been the main battlefield of small engineering machinery. The state has always attached great importance to the development of rural infrastructure and invested huge funds to improve rural infrastructure every year.
As a rural area of concern, it has driven China's construction machinery for a golden decade and provided an inexhaustible driving force for the development of the construction machinery industry. This year, of course, is no exception. The continued prosperity of the rural infrastructure market has reassured the majority of construction machinery users. The small concrete pump truck specially developed for new rural construction will become the main force of rural infrastructure construction.
In particular, some mixers have their own mixing, which integrates mixing and pumping, which is suitable for on-site mixing and greatly improves the utilization rate of the equipment. In addition, the available labor force in rural areas is small, the labor cost is high, and there is an urgent need for mechanized construction equipment, which makes the demand for small concrete mixers extremely large.
其次,要看你投资设备在市场的实用型。由于农村道路和场地条件的限 制,因此大型工程机械往往不能适应,一些小型精巧、机动灵活的机械则更加适合乡村建设环境。在实际施工中,由于小型混凝土泵车具备高能、转场灵活、布料精 准、安 全可靠、性价比高、一机多能的特点,不受场地限制,因此在农村市场大受欢迎。
Secondly, it depends on the practical type of equipment you invest in the market. Due to the limitations of rural roads and site conditions, large construction machinery often can not adapt, and some small exquisite, flexible machinery are more suitable for rural construction environment. In the actual construction, because the small concrete pump truck has the characteristics of high energy, flexible transfer, accurate distribution, safety and reliability, high cost performance and multiple functions of one machine, it is not limited by the site, so it is very popular in the rural market.
然后要看设备的普及率及活源多少,投资风险及回本周期。如果您投资搅拌泵车,设备再好也不敢保证能赚 钱,所以购买设备前你可以前期考察准备工作。你需要考虑设备投资的本金、当地市场价 格、有无相类似的施工设备及施工单价、购设备后是否有利润空间当问题。就像我们常说的“我们只能保证产品质量,但不保证您回家能赚 钱”,这个说的是良心话、大实话。
Then it depends on the penetration rate and living source of equipment, investment risk and return cycle. If you invest in mixing pump truck, no matter how good the equipment is, you can't guarantee to make money, so you can make preliminary investigation and preparation before purchasing the equipment. You need to consider the principal of equipment investment, local market price, whether there is similar construction equipment and construction unit price, and whether there is profit margin after purchasing equipment. As we often say, "we can only guarantee the product quality, but we don't guarantee that you can make money when you go home". This is a matter of conscience and truth.
