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新闻资讯 /


来源:http://www.zkhntjbc.com/ 日期:2022-04-06
概述:  混凝土搅拌机如果使用过程中出现不当的操作,那么不仅会导致有非正常的消耗,还会危及到操作人员的,所以搅拌机的行驶要多加注意才
  If improper operation occurs in the use of concrete mixer, it will not only lead to abnormal consumption, but also endanger the safety of operators, so the driving of the mixer should pay more attention to it. So what should the concrete mixer pay more attention to?
  Choose to drive on better roads
  When driving in the road maintenance construction area, the method of selecting the road surface at low speed should be adopted so as not to cause too much impact on the tires, or even be stabbed or scratched; When driving on bumpy roads, the road surface should be selected first to reduce the friction between tires and the road surface. Avoid shocks that damage parts and tires; Second, slow down to avoid tire bumps and strong vibration; When passing through muddy areas, a firm and non-slippery place should be selected to avoid tire sinking, idling, serious fever, serious cuts and scratches on tires and side walls.
  Parking should be on flat ground
  Parking vehicles on roads with large, sharp or sharp stones should be avoided. Vehicles should not be parked near or in contact with petroleum products, acids and other materials affecting tire rubber deterioration. Mixer drivers try not to turn the steering wheel after parking, which can accelerate tire wear.
  Control driving speed reasonably
  When the concrete mixer is turning, it needs to slow down appropriately according to the road condition and turning radius of the bend. Because of inertia force and centrifugal force, will accelerate the unilateral tire wear; When the vehicle goes downhill, it should be controlled according to the size, length and road condition of the slope. Appropriate speed so that you can avoid or reduce the use of emergency braking, reduce tire wear; When vehicles stop in the middle of the station, to develop the habit of safe coasting.
  Avoid sudden braking
  Start not too fast, avoid frequent use of brakes and emergency brakes, so as not to accelerate tread wear due to tire and ground resistance; Speed up and pay attention to the road, pedestrians, vehicle dynamics, ready to brake, reduce frequent braking, avoid emergency braking, thus reducing tire wear; When there is inevitable broken glass, slow down and do not slam on the brakes, because slamming on the brakes increases pressure and glass fragments are more likely to puncture the tire.
  What should the concrete mixer pay more attention to? There are many other areas of concern, which I will not mention here. If you have any questions or want to know more, you can click on the website www.zkhntjbc.com to consult our customer service staff.
